The golden lion tamarin is a threatened species as a result of the destruction of its habitat in the Atlantic forests. Only 3,000 remain in the wild. Any golden lion tamarin baby is a cause for joy for this reason.
Bristol Zoo has just welcomed a golden lion tamarin into the world. The new creature is incredibly small. From head to tail, it is only four inches long.
This monkey has a wicked sense of humor. He was photographed caressing and smiling at his parents.

The photographer, a frequent visitor to the zoo, stated: “The beautiful new endangered golden lion tamarin was outside riding on the backs of its parents.”
Are you curious about the origin of the name “golden lion timari” of these monkeys? It refers to their miniature lion’s manes. Take a closer look at these photos to see what I mean.
Bristol Zoo now contains five golden lion tamarins, including Missy and Dourado, the parents of the new tamarin.
The young tamarin’s health check will last six months, according to the zoo spokeswoman.
The baby marmoset stays with its father throughout the day. Just go back to mom to feed him.
“It is common for tamarin parents to take an active role in caring for the young,” said Shani Ratnayake, lead keeper of large mammals. “But Dourado is doing much more than usual.”