What will the mongoose do when faced with the venomous spittle of the king cobra?

The three-minute video shared on social media has captured an extremely fierce fight between a mongoose and a dangerous opponent, a cobra.

At the beginning of the video, you can see that the mongoose appears to have been hit by many attacks from the cobra. The ʋenoм paralyzes its hind legs, making it almost impossible to move.

However, the ciʋet continued to roll towards the enemy without hesitation, despite the danger. He tries to attack his opponent, while the cobra constantly moves to avoid being attacked.


There was a moment when the ciʋet suddenly stopped, apparently to prepare for the final decisive attack. In fact, the mongoose stalks the enemy in search of openings, then grabs the snake by the neck and squeezes it with its teeth.

After a time of fighting, the ciʋet was so tattered that it could not move. The ʋenoм of the snake’s legs appears to have fused with it, sending the animal into a state of anaphylactic shock. As for the snake, due to many fatal attacks, it could only lie down on the ground, struggle, and breathe its last breath.


Like most enormous snakes, the cobra’s weapon is its deadly enormous creature. This species is famous for attacking its prey and injecting poison with its sharp fangs.


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